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‹ Inapoi la Conferinte

International Conference on Business Excellence in Energy, Climate Change and Sustainability

Data: 03 mar 2016


Call for papers


International Conference on Business Excellence in Energy, Climate Change and Sustainability


Energy is one of the most important fields of study for our contemporary society.  Special  focus is  placed on energy research at Faculty of Business Administration in foreign languages (FABIZ) through an intensive research activity dedicated to energy business and sustainability.

The Society of Business Excellence jointly with The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, especially the MBA program “Entrepreneurship and Business Administration in Energy” encourage participants as academics, business people, PhD students etc.  to submit papers on the topic of Business in Energy and Climate Change. Main topics are related to energy efficiency, renewable energy, business models for energy, thermal strategy, entrepreneurship models in energy, EU energy policy developments, qualitative and quantitative analysis in the energy field, climate change impact, decarbonisation, energy poverty policies, strategic thinking and sustainability in business.

The conference will take place on the 3rd of March 2016 at Faculty of Business Administration in foreign languages (FABIZ), Bucharest University of Economic Studies and all submitted and presented papers during the conference will be published in an ISBN, on line or printed volume, published by the Business Excellence Publishing House. In addition, a selection of the best papers, will be published in Special Issue in Business Energy and Climate Change of the Management&Marketing Journal published by de Gruyter Open, indexed in Scopus, Proquest, Cabell’s  (more than 20 international databases).

Special prizes will be awarded to the best papers presented at the conference (Business Excellence in Energy and Climate Change Prize) and for the best papers of PhD candidates (PhD Business Excellence Award).

Distinguished business professionals in the field of energy will join us as speakers and members of the scientific committee of the conference, including Ion Lungu, president of AFEER and Valeriu Bining, E&Y Romania.

The scientific committee of the conference is formed by:

  • Adrian Tanţău, Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), FABIZ, Romania
  • Alina Mihaela Dima, Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), FABIZ, Romania
  • Alecxandrina Deaconu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), FABIZ, Romania
  • Carmen Păunescu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), FABIZ, Romania
  • Christine Volkmann, Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal, Germany
  • Constantin Bratianu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), FABIZ, Romania
  • Daniel Yordanov Pavlov, University of Ruse, Bulgaria
  • Ion Lungu, AFEER, Romania
  • Ivan Mihajlovic, Belgrad Univesity, Serbia
  • Jurgen Bock, Hochschule Bochum, Germany
  • Kim Tokarski, Hochschule Bern, Suisse
  • Nicolae Al. Pop, Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), FABIZ, Romania
  • Radu Dudau, Bucharest University, Romania
  • Valeriu Bining, E&Y Romania


Abstract submission is now open. Please send your abstracts of no more than 250 words by 20th December 2015 via e-mail:  Full papers are expected by the 5th of February 2016 via e-mail:

The participation fee is 100 euro (discount fee of 20% will be offered for PhD candidates).


Prof.univ.dr.dr. Adrian D. Tanțău

Prof.univ.dr. Alina Mihaela Dima


ICBEE Organizing Committee


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