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Produse inovante

CN AIIR 2023

‹ Inapoi la CN AIIR 2023

Concurs Studențesc AIIR&REHVA

AIIR & REHVA Student Competition 2023


In accordance with its mission to support professional development, REHVA announces the AIIR & REHVA STUDENT COMPETITION 2023


Student Competition Rules

1. AIIR awards prizes every year for outstanding student work from its branches.

2. Eligible student work (hereinafter referred to as “submission”) includes work based on Bachelor Theses, Master Theses, or other work of equivalent level. Submissions based on Doctoral Theses are not eligible.

3. Submission topics may be freely chosen but need to relate to AIIR & REHVA activities, including but not limited to heating/ventilation/air conditioning/refrigeration, indoor environmental quality, energy efficiency and energy management, sustainability, building services, etc. In case of doubt regarding the topic eligibility, do not hesitate to contact AIIR at Working methods applied may include experimental, analytical, numerical, design-related and other methodologies.

4. Submissions may be the result of work carried out by an individual student or a team of maximum two students.

5. AIIR branch may submit a maximum of 2 entries per country and are responsible for assuring that the submission complies with all competition rules. The submission should be sent electronically (no hard copies needed) to the Chair of the Education and Training Committee, Asoc.Prof. Cătălin LUNGU at with a copy to

6. Submission deadline for the scientific papers is Friday 6 October 2023, 18:00 EET. Submissions should be made in the format of scientific papers, with a maximum of 6 pages, following the template from the link and should include the:

  • Submission title
  • Full name(s) of the student(s)
  • Full name(s) of the supervisor(s)
  • Affiliation(s) of the author(s), including the name(s) and full address(es) of the respective institute(s)
  • E-mail address(es) of the student(s) and supervisor(s)
  • Year when the work on which the submission is based has been approved at the home university/institute. Please note that the work on which the submission is based needs to have been approved within the closest 12-month period preceding the competition date. Under exceptional circumstances, and on a case-to-case basis, submissions based on work completed andapproved up to 24 months prior to the competition date may be considered by the AIIR Student Competition Jury (RSCJ). An extended timeline may only be considered under the condition that the submitting AIIR branch did not enter any submissions in the preceding AIIR Student Competition.


7. All submitted documentation and presentations must be in English and will be included in a publication disseminated by AIIR and distributed to the Jury members before the competition.

8. The contestants will present their work at the AIIR-REHVA Student Competition session to be held in Brasov, during CN AIIR 2023, on Thursday 12 October 2023 (afternoon). All contestants shall prepare:

  • A twelve-minute oral presentation of their work (not exceeding 15 slides). A three-minute Q&A session will follow after the presentation. The presentation shall be sent electronically to no later than Monday, 9 October 2023, 13:00 EET.
  • A high-resolution, A1-sized technical poster (oriented vertically) of the electronic version. The electronic version shall be sent to no later than Monday, 9 October 2023 , 13:00 EET.


9. After the completion of all presentations, the Jury will convene to deliberate and select the winning submissions. The Jury may award prizes to a maximum of three submissions. An additional prize will be awarded for best poster.


10. The winners will be announced to all contestants after the Jury’s meeting.


11. All contestants will receive a certificate of participation. The prizes will be awarded to winners in the closing session of the CN AIIR 58 (time TBD). There, the winner of the first prize will present their work (max 15 min).


12. Related travel and accommodation costs for the contestants will be covered by the contestants, their AIIR branches, or sponsors, as applicable.


13. The AIIR-REHVA Student Competition Jury (RSCJ) shall consist of a minimum of three Jury Members. The RSCJ Chair is Assoc.Prof. Cătălin LUNGU. Members of the RSCJ may include Members of the university teachers ar other specialists suggested by AIIR branches and approved by the AIIR Board. Jury Members shall not have any conflicts of interest (e.g., Jury Members cannot be involved as supervisors or advisors for any submission). No more than one RSCJ Member may be appointed per AIIR branch. Should more than one RSCJ Member be nominated by one country, the RSCJ Chair will select one candidate to represent that country. RSCJ Member nominations need to be submitted to the AIIR Office ( by email by Friday 22 September 2023, 18:00 EET.


Awarding criteria

The Jury will evaluate the submissions based on the following criteria:

  • The eligibility and relevance of the project topic
  • The clarity of the work objectives
  • The applicability of the methods used
  • The validity and reliability of findings
  • The innovative character of the work conducted
  • The clarity and accuracy of written and oral presentation
  • The graphical quality of the summary and the presentation
  • The candidate’s ability to constructively discuss technical issues
  • The scientific level of the submission
  • For the Best Poster award, the evaluation will focus on the scientific level of the submission,and the graphical quality of the Poster.


Each Jury member will submit to the Jury Chair a list of candidates in order of ranking (from first to last).

Assoc.Prof. Cătălin LUNGU

AIIR Education and Training Committee Chair

AIIR Prime-vicepresident

REHVA President


Calendar Evenimente

Septembrie 2024
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