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Produse inovante


‹ Inapoi la SmartLivingEPC

Deliverables and Milestones




Deliverables and Milestones


Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan v1



The 1st release of the Communication, Exploitation & Dissemination Plan outlines the process behind the development of the SmartLivingEPC communication and dissemination strategy and objectives as well as the exploitation plan and objectives. The purpose of the document is also to define SmartLivingEPC target audience, how the consortium aims to reach it, the channels and tools that will be used for communication and dissemination and a draft list of planned activities, which at this moment in time are mostly based on the Grant Agreement. This deliverable will be updated in M18 with the D7.6 Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan v2. The deliverable is coordinated by REHVA Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations and written with the support of the WP7 task leaders: DEMO Consultants, Austrian Standards International, R2M Energy and ANEC.



Project Website, Social Media & Visual Identity Package



This deliverable is of type other, which includes project's template, visual identity package (logo and theme), website, and social media accounts. It provides different presentation and documentation templates. Besides the official project's website, an internal website (SharePoint) is also set up for internal communication of the consortium partners. Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube accounts are also set up. The mentioned tools have been designed and launched to make communication and dissemination possible for all partners throughout the project's lifetime. Along these tools, a written report has been submitted in M6, which describes the process and elements of this deliverable in detail.



Project Management Plan, Quality & Risk Assessment Plan v1


This deliverable presents the project management and administrative roadmap for the SmartLivingEPC project and covers the procedures and details on the project managerial bodies and responsibilities.

Basically, the D8.1 report includes detailed instructions for all management-related tasks that will guarantee a continuous project workflow and the accomplishment of the project's technological goals. An ethics advisory board will handle any privacy and ethical concerns that may arise during the project regarding the data processing of the end-user participants in the pilots' demonstration.

Additionally, in this report it is also discussed the Quality and Risk Assessment Plan that relates to the evaluation procedure of work progress along with corrective actions and contingency plans in case of deviations. Furthermore, it provides the risk management and mitigation actions ensuring smooth coordination of the project for a high quality of results and implementation.

This deliverable is a living document that can be updated along with the project's progress in order to outline responsibility changes and potential amendments.



Report on Management and Technical Progress v1



This document reports the main achievements in the current reporting period (M1-M6, July 2022-December 2022) of the SmartLivingEPC for the active WPs and the corresponding activities. For each WP, the objectives for the reporting period are provided by the corresponding leaders as well as an overview of the status and progress per Task. Furthermore, any deviations from DoA and corrective actions taken by the partners are outlined, whereas planned activities for the next period are reported in advance.



Data Management Plan v1


This deliverable addresses the Data Management Plan (DMP) within the SmartLivingEPC, as well as expands its scope to include the ethical aspects of the project's activities. Data management includes all the procedures for the collection, organization, storage, and sharing of the required datasets, which must comply with the principles and standards included in this deliverable.

Even though there is a wide variety of datasets in the project, in general they can be distinguished in two main groups. The first group is related to the data derived from the pilot sites, while the second group is related to the resulting information from the platform's calculation modules. Such data may be used by third parties for further research, after full review and post-processing (i.e., anonymization, if necessary). Additionally, the concept of "Open Access" is briefly described in this context, as it is a very important concept in this type of research project.

This project has received funding from the

European Union's Horizon Europe Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

under grant agreement no. 101069639.



Calendar Evenimente

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